Dear players and users of DXE addon,

a lot of fixes have piled up since the last version some of which I’m mentioning below. I also implemented couple of my own ideas which I hope push the addon farther.

New Features

Subcategories & Ordering for Alerts

For the past couple of months I have been pondering idea of how to make the alert and warning settings for bosses in terms of looking up the correct item better arranged. There are cases when the 5-man dungeon boss contains only 5 warnings or timers and it’s easy enough to work with but then there bosses such as Ragnaros containing over 40 items which makes it difficult to cope. In this update I’ve decided to change it and make the situation better using 2 mechanisms.

First I added into the addon’s core and into the boss modules the support to be able to sort the items in a custom order. That allowed me to sort the timers and warnings chronologically so that they are grouped together in a logical fashion.

Compare the original version on the left to the new one on the right.

This measure however doesn’t solve the problem of bosses having many items and so I decided to join them into logical groups that should help finding the items easier. The groups are mostly according to phases of the encounter, or to bosses (in case there are more bosses in one encounter).

I believe that the custom ordering will be perceived as appropriate but in case some of you won’t like the grouping of alerts into subgroups, it is possible to turn the mechanism off using:

Options > Globals > Extra Encounter Subcategories

Enabled by role

The next feature is an option to enable items in sections Alerts, Raid Icons, Announces, Arrows or Windows based on your role in the raid. Thanks to this setting it is possible to prevent timers or warnings to appear if the player is in the role of DPS or to only appear for the role of tank.

You can find this feature only in the Advanced mode and you only need to check the appropriate roles.

Radar Circle Options

After I added custom colors settings for the radar circles in the modules it is now time to give you the control. From this version on you can change the radar circle’s color or make it the default green color or disable it altogether.

The goal was to make the circles more apparent in the state of “SAFE” , where the green circles blended too much with the radar’s texture. Now they can be for example purple in that state. In the state of “DANGER” the circles stay always red.


  • AutoGossip feature will no longer automatically select a NPC dialogue if the NPC offers a quest interaction.
  • After using the Show Anchors feature in Options the player will now only be able to see the location of the selected method of distance checking. If the player chose the radar they will only see the radar frame to move around.


  • Fixed all the nerfed timers from 4.1 to 4.2 content patch.
  • Fixed a Lua error: “Font not set”


Majordomo Staghelm

  • Fixed timer for Leaping Flames and Flame Scythe.
  • Fixed triggering of Leaping Flames at me Warning so that it trigger at the beginning of the jump.
  • Added a radar circle for the Searing Seeds debuff.

The Bastion of Twilight

Halfus Wyrmbreaker

  • Replaced boss emotes for the dragon releases with DXE warnings.


Version 3.3 10 for Apollo 1 / Apollo 2


Again I thank the individuals who contacted me with the bugs they found. If you like my work on the DXE please consider contributing stars in the section A contribution to the development.

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