1. How did you come to know about DXE?
    I knew DXE from Retail back in the day and heard that many on this server were using it. But for a long time, I didn’t know there was this amazingly advanced modification of DXE. At some point after researching on the Internet I found your homepage.
  2. What made you try out DXE?
    I haven’t been playing on Apollo for that long, not even a year now. I started with DBM and was annoyed by the timers that were either accurate or even missing at all. After I found out about DXE I gave it a shot in random dungeon finder and never looked back.
  3. What is your experience in contrast to what you were using prior?
    Like many other players I used DBM prior to DXE and, as I said, was annoyed by those inaccurate or even missing timers. Now I have totally accurate timers and can modify every aspect of every encounter mechanics-wise and visually. The additional features like the Yor’sahj announcement module, the Ultraxion HoT module or even the Crush radar module for the mutated corruptions at madness are what really make this modification outstanding and superior to any other bossmod out there. And on top of that there is a developer who continues to develop and maintain the addon to this day. So thanks for your work and never stop being awesome, Greg!
